01/05/09  Clogged irrigation

01/05/09 Clogged irrigation

I don't care who you are or how big or small your crop is. One thing we know is that all living things need water and getting water to all living things means some form of irrigation system. That means providing water to crops through irrigation systems that are full of narrow openings in valves, fittings, drip emitters or sprinkler nozzles. The problem comes when these narrow openings get clogged&think of clogged arteries due to chosterol. And there are several sources of clogging &organic agents like bacteria and algae or mineral based like calcium, iron, magnesium, etc. Either way, there can be a clog in your irrigation system which is difficult to find and raises havoc with crops. You can use filters, but they clog too. What's the old saying&better living through chemistry? Richard Clevenger of Ag Water Chemical talks about his product which&" If there's calcium or iron or magnesium in the water our product sequesters those minerals so that it doesn't impede the water from being delivered. " Richard has another product that introduces copper into irrigation systems in a way that eradicates bacteria and algae meaning that farmers can concentrate on growing¬ unclogging and that's good for everyone.
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