01/18/06 Crapo pushes for ESA reform this year

01/18/06 Crapo pushes for ESA reform this year

Senator Mike Crapo knows he has an uphill fight ahead of him as he tries to reform the Endangered Species Act. He and Arkansas Democrat Blanche Lincoln have co-sponsored legislation that will make changes to the 30 year old law. The House has already passed its version of Endangered Species reform but if differs from Crapo's bill. CRAPO "There is however a lot of controversy around that bill because it's very expansive in a number of areas where there is controversy. In the Senate we face a different problem which is the filibuster." Crapo says his bill focuses on about a half dozen reform measures which he feels can receive bipartisan support in Congress. CRAPO "First involving state and local governments and local decisions makers more in the process of administering the act instead of having proclamations from on high from Washington. Secondly incentivising property owners through our tax laws to do those things on their property that will facilitate and strengthen species and improve habitat. Third to improve collaborative efforts." The Idaho Senator says if there's to be ESA reform it has to come this year before the presidential candidates start lining up. Voice of Idaho Agriculture Bill Scott
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