03/07/06 Dairy nutrition study

03/07/06 Dairy nutrition study

A report released by the American Academy of Pediatrics says that children should be eating three servings of calcium-rich dairy foods each day during childhood and four servings a day during adolescence. That in turn helps build strong bones and reduces the risk of fractures and osteoporosis later in life. RITZENTHALER "Nine out of ten girls and then just about seven of ten boys in kids' diets." Kristen Ritzenthaler of the Idaho Dairy Council is citing data from the USDA. AAP's report recommends that physicians make it a priority to assess calcium adequacy several times during childhood and adolescence, beginning at two to three years of age. The National Dairy Council is trying to educate parents about their own nutrition and that of their kids. RITZENTHALER "Milk, flavored milk, cheese and yogurt. That would be like a cup of milk, eight ounces, a cup of yogurt, also eight ounces and an ounce and a half of cheese. JINGLE "Three a day of dairy." Voice of Idaho Agriculture Bill Scott
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