03/10/06 Searching for Craig-Wyden funding

03/10/06 Searching for Craig-Wyden funding

Larry Craig and Oregon's Ron Wyden are trying to get the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act reauthorized. Also know as the Wyden-Craig bill the legislation would extend payments for seven more years to counties who have suffered economic losses due to the loss of timber industry jobs on federal lands. Craig says the Sierra Institute for Community and Environment looked at the legislation and recommended that it be renewed for several reasons. CRAIG  "The fact that we brought warring parties together if you will, stakeholders who had a different point of view about the proper management of our natural resources and the forested lands in the state of Idaho and around the country." President Bush included no money for this bill in his proposed budget. Some in USDA have suggested that the sale of federal lands could pay the bill. CRAIG  "Then I want a very clear transparent public process so that Idahoans can make the decision for Idaho." So what happens if Craig-Wyden gets no federal money? Idaho County would suffer an annual five million dollar loss of revenue. Also losing out, Shoshone County at more than four million and Valley County with more than three million dollars in revenue. In all, this bill pumped 23 million dollars into Idaho last year to help counties pay for school and road needs. Voice of Idaho Agriculture Bill Scott
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