Joyce Ranch

Joyce Ranch

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
“There is a long heritage here I guess is what really sticks in my mind.”Meet Paul Nettleton, general manager of the Joyce Ranch. It’s the oldest family owned and operated ranch in Idaho. Located in rugged Owahee County on the Idaho-Oregon border. The Joyce Ranch originated in 1865 when Matt and Mary Joyce left Northern Nevada headed for Ruby City, now Silver City in the Owahee Mountains. Eventually they formed a partnership with a fellow by the name of Scottsbob on Sinker Creek where the ranch headquarters is today. Along the way, the family survived fire, “this is the old foundation from the 1870s before the house burned”, to flood, drought, rustlers and Indian attacks. But thanks must be given to the children. “The Indians being curious, they came up and see who is around or whatever and the kids and the Indian kids got to playing. they got real friendly and started playing with each other and having fun and pretty soon the squaws were bringing up some of their Indian bread. Mrs. Joyce was making something for them and they got to be really friendly with the Indians. When the Bannock war broke out and that was seen in 1878, the Indians came up Snake River and every place they could find, they burned out. They knew they would come right through this area, and they never touched anything of the Joyce’s. They said that that was because of child diplomacy.” And the Joyce name is folklore history.
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