Dare To Dream

Dare To Dream

Susan Allen
Susan Allen

 Training horses is time consuming, expensive and  often frustrating.  Last year I let some aspects of it  get me down. Now when I feel myself going down that path  I’ll think of  Bettina and  get back on track. Tell you why after the break. Bettina Estel is an over achiever and an inspiration.   Due to a drug called Thalidomide,  commonly prescribed to pregnant women before it was known that it caused birth defects, Bettina was born without arms but she has heart, and competes in the highly refined sport of dressage even winning medals at the Paralympics.  She can saddle, bridle, hose down, blanket and do just about anything that is needed for her horse using her mouth and legs. To get a feel of her life consider grooming your dog holding the brush by your toes plus consider that even a mastiff is tiny compared to Bettinas big warm blood. She’s trained her horse to respond to her voice and leg because she must  hold the reins with her teeth.  If you’re not a horse person, she’s still an inspiration. She writes, texts even puts on mascara with her  feet. Her zest for life has made  Bettina a celebrity in Germany where she now hosts  weekly talk show. Hearing her story  helped me to realize how quickly I rush to complain when I should be counting my blessings.  I hope for you, like me Bettina has provided a shot in the arm on a cold winter day, that  reminds all of  us not to be afraid of dreaming big. “For as you dream you shall become.”

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