7-21 SS Oregon Wolves

7-21 SS Oregon Wolves

 The outrage and frustration on the part of cattlemen and sportsmen in Oregon should be palpable. The issue? No wolf hunts. I’m David Sparks, this is Sportsmans Spotlight, that’s next.

 Todd Nash is an Oregon cattle producer who has taken a look at the law as it relates to hunting wolves and as it relates to his business. “It has impacted us directly. We have had a local pack with 20 confirmed kills under its belt and they have taken out three wolves so far. The pack is just increasing in size and they are under state protection so that kind of ties our hands right now. The only thing that we have right now to protect our cattle is a tool is where they issue a permit that is called a caught in the act permit. The wolf has to be engaged in the process of biting or killing a calf or a cow and while it is still alive, if it is biting, you can shoot it. If you get there and it is already dead and the wolf is feeding on it we cannot take it at that time either. The chances of finding something within that 62nd time period or whatever it takes to kill them is almost nonexistent. It is a permit that makes us feel better or our Department of Fish and Wildlife can say they have issued permits so that we can take care of the problems ourselves but in reality it is nothing.

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