Cattle Rustling in Idaho

Cattle Rustling in Idaho

 In Washington County, Chief Deputy Earl Nelson mans the frontlines in a crime spree sweeping the West – cattle rustling.?Every night Washington County deputies keep their eyes peeled for suspicious goose-neck trailers, semi-trucks and four wheelers. The cattle rustling season is in full swing as ranchers drive cattle from summer to fall ranges.? “When the economy’s depressed, people are looking for a quick buck. You go out there and pick up a few cattle a week and if you can get away with selling them, that’s what they’re looking at.” That’s Idaho Cattle Association President Tom McDonnel.

In Council, the Idaho State Police are investigating the disappearance of 220 head of cattle, which, at current market prices is close to a quarter-of-a million dollar loss. “Number one we have people who don’t brand, we have some people who move cattle to non-brand states, we also have people who re-brand ‘em or you just put another brand on the opposite side of the cow that’s registered in your name.” Can we still implement good old-fashioned Western justice and when you find a cattle rustler you hang ‘em from the nearest tree? “Unfortunately not. We have some good laws on the books and they’re tough laws and these judges are just giving slaps on the wrist.



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