CDA's Industrial Hemp Informational Meeting is April 18th

CDA's Industrial Hemp Informational Meeting is April 18th

The Colorado Department of Agriculture is hosting a public meeting on Tuesday, April 18th from 1 to 3 p.m. at the CDA office in Broomfield for those people involved in the industrial hemp industry. CDA's Technical Services Section Chief Hollis Glenn provides more details

Glenn: The purpose of this public meeting is provide information to industrial hemp producers, people who are interested in becoming an industrial hemp dealer and just anyone else generally interested in this topic to learn information about the Farm Products and Commodity Handler Acts and the subsequent programs that we have here at the Department. These programs ensure licensors of dealers of farm products — which industrial hemp falls under that definition. What this program essentially does will afford important financial protection to industrial hemp producers who are entrusting their products to another person or third party in expectations for future payments. That third party or that industrial hemp dealer will be licensed and importantly bonded through the program which will then ensure that should there is a default in the contact over industrial hemp, the producer will then have some protection in the sense that the Colorado Department of Ag can file a claim on behalf of that producer to ensure they get paid from that third party dealer that is licensed with us."

The CDA's goal is to bring industrial hemp dealers and commodity handlers into program compliance prior to this year's harvest season in the fall. For those unable to attend, it will be live streamed through the CDA's YouTube Channel.

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