12/26/08 Healthy holiday dieting

12/26/08 Healthy holiday dieting

There are cookies on the counter, pie in the oven, maybe some other sweets and treats and of course a big holiday feast. There is one approach to consider for eating healthy this holiday season. Dr Greg Miller of the National Dairy Council says a new coalition is urging Americans to simplify their dietary choices by focusing on nutrient rich foods. MILLER "The Nutrient Rich Foods Coalition has been trying to change the paradigm in dietary guidance. The current dietary guidance is: don't eat fat, don't eat salt, don't eat cholesterol. And consumers are just disengaged, they find it too difficult. They don't understand it. They want to be told how to eat, not how not to eat." Miller says producer funded research through the dairy checkoff supports the concept of focusing on nutrient rich foods to help make better dietary choices. MILLER "It's not about worrying about fat or saturated fat. It's worrying about am I getting food that brings a lot of nutrition to my diet, balancing my choices over time to get to a healthy diet." Miller says that major health organizations recommend and nutrition science demonstrates the many benefits of including three servings of dairy in your everyday diet. MILLER "So, we know that consuming 3 servings of dairy a day can help with lower blood pressure, better bone health, better body weight, even cancer prevention in terms of colon and breast cancer, so we're really excited about the science." Today's Idaho Ag News Bill Scott
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