Nature's Sports Drink

Nature's Sports Drink

Remember those ads, “Milk, it does a body good”? It appears it wasn’t just a good ad campaign, it’s actually a fact. Most everyone of my generation grew up having their mother, sometimes dad, but usually mom, reminding them to drink their milk. Nowadays milk, chocolate milk especially, has come into its own by reasserting itself as a sports drink. And rightly so.  With most of the population focusing on living a healthy lifestyle which includes a daily exercise routine, the need for a healthy and affordable recovery drink is paramount. That’s where milk fits the bill. Unlike high tech expensive sports drinks and supplements, milk is easily attained and affordable. And when it comes to key nutrients such as calcium and vitamin D milk has no contenders in the sports drink arena. Most nutritionists will tell you more of us should be drinking milk anyway. So, whether you’re a competitive athlete or a casual exerciser, milk just makes sense. And Mom, if you’re listening, you were right, milk is good for me; but then you knew that!

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