For the Love of Trees

For the Love of Trees

Okay, I'll admit it, I am a tree hugger. Not in the sense that I would climb to the top of a two hundred foot Douglas fir and camp out for months on end but in the simple and pure fact that I love trees. I always have. From the time I was a little girl I have held trees in high esteem and awe; what else on this great planet of ours withstands so much and can prevail for so long. This Arbor Day, last Friday for those of you that aren't as into trees, was a chance to celebrate something that many of us take for granted but couldn't do without, trees. I know it sounds sappy, no pun intended, but trees, as the Arbor Day proclamation states, are truly "a source of joy and renewal wherever they are planted". When you consider that trees supply us with life giving oxygen, offer us and nature's other critters refuge, provide shade and protection from the elements, and aide farmers in reducing erosion of topsoil by wind or water, just to name a few, then it's not hard to understand the value of trees. Arbor Day was started due to one man's love of trees back in 1874. And as Mr. Morton himself said at that first Arbor Day celebration, "to celebrate trees results in good for all". I couldn't have said it better myself.
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