Under Pressure

Under Pressure

Companies like McDonalds try make decisions in the best interests of their businesses, even it seems when it comes to caving under pressure from the HSUS; as evident from McDonalds announcement earlier this week that it will now be requiring its pork suppliers to phase out gestation stalls, a method of housing pregnant sows in individual enclosures rather than group pens. But in all the HSUS created hoopla has anyone really considered what is best for the pigs? Yes, that would be the farmers that have now come under fire for how they treat animals under their care. The “animal nirvana” that the HSUS would like us all to subscribe to just doesn’t exist in the real world, and farmers are more aware of this than anyone. They’re the ones who have seen pigs fighting with other pigs, and the stress that can have on the more submissive animals within the group. As it is in the human world, so it is with animals, there will always be bullies that trample on the weaker members. The HSUS is fond of stating that people need to “better understand the ag industry’s animal rearing techniques”. What better place to start than within the HSUS organization itself?


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