Donate Smartly & Safely

Donate Smartly & Safely

Tragedy always seems to bring out the best and the worst in the human equation. Following the massive tornados that touched down in Oklahoma last week the Better Business Bureau, along with numerous state Attorney General’s Offices and Secretaries of State are warning people who are trying to help the victims through financial donations to be wary of “opportunistic fraudsters”. While most of us follow the headlines in horror wondering what we can do to help those affected by natural disasters, there are those people, and I use that term loosely, that follow the headlines in search of a way to prey on the good nature of those wanting to help the victims. That’s why before you do make a donation you need to make sure that you know the organization you are donating funds to. The best way to make donations is to contact potential charities directly. And remember never, ever give out your credit card numbers over the phone to unknown solicitors. Donate smartly and safely - visit the BBB’s charity review for tips on giving wisely. All of us at the Ag Information Network express our sincere and heartfelt sympathy to the families, friends and neighbors of those who lost loved ones or who were injured in the tornado in Oklahoma.


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