Cattlemen Gather in Washington D.C.

Cattlemen Gather in Washington D.C.

This week in Washington D.C., there have been approximately 300 cattle producers from all over the country participating in the Public Land Council's and the National Cattlemen's Beef Association's Legislative Conference.

Oregon Cattlemen's Association Executive Director Jerome Rosa shares more about the issues ranchers are addressing with elected officials.

Rosa: "Of course in Oregon, a big topic of conversation for us is the possible monument designation. And this is an issue that is affecting states across the West - there was just the Mojave Desert designation that happened in California recently. That has been a major topic of discussion. NCBA's lead issue that they have been focusing on is, of course, TPP. That has been my main issue when we have been having our visits with legislators from around the country — has been on TPP and the impact it has on our beef prices. Of course we been talking about the sage grouse issues and WOTUS also."

Upon implementation of TPP the tariff rate on U.S. beef into Japan will immediately drop from 38.5 percent to 27.5 percent. Moreover, that rate will continue to decrease over the following 16 years until it settles at 9 percent.

Rosa continues

Rosa: "It is nice to be here amongst the other Western States that have similar issues and similar concerns. It is really reinforcing that we are not alone on these issues."

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