Importance of Farmers and Ranchers Participating in Social Media

Importance of Farmers and Ranchers Participating in Social Media

There are some great Colorado agricultural organizations that are active on Facebook and Twitter — one of these is the Colorado Farm Bureau. I spoke to CFB Associate Director of Communications John Dooley as to why they use these Social Media venues to communicate to their members and the general public.

Dooley: "We have been on social media for several years now. We look at it as an additional tool to communicate with our members on day in and day out basis. They can see what we are doing whether it be in the legislature or the classroom through out ag in classroom on a day to day basis."

He encourages farmers and ranchers to participate on social media to tell their story. He says

Dooley: "Right now it is really important for farmer and ranchers to utilize social media; utilize that platform to show how our food is produced because there a lot of activists groups that use social media to cast a bad spell on our food production. Farmers and ranchers can use the same medium and the same platform to shine a light on how actually how our food is produced and dispel those myths that these environmental and other activists are saying."

If you are looking at beginning to participate on a social media channel and aren't sure what to do, one of my favorite resources is at

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