The Bane of Weeds

The Bane of Weeds

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
I used to say that weeds were the bane of my existence. And that was a time where I had a big backyard, that is, big to me. Wah,wah, wah. What if I had 1000 or 2000 acres under wheat? Wheat growers know better than anybody the effect weeds can have on yield. But growers have more at risk than just yield. As Bayer Technical Service Representative Kevin Thorsness explains, tough-to-control and resistant weeds also affect grain quality. "Certain weeds can be very problematic from a dockage standpoint. Foxtail, for example, which grows low in the canopy, stays green and often ends up in the bin when you start harvesting so the green foxtail is very problematic from a dockage standpoint."

Thorsness says that using a herbicide early season to eliminate weed competition enhances grain quality along with yield

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