05/19/06 Potato people to dine with Vicente Fox

05/19/06 Potato people to dine with Vicente Fox

Farm and Ranch May 19, 2006 He may have a cast on his foot but Washington State Potato Commissioner Frank Martinez plans on attending next Wednesday's banquet in Seattle for Mexican President Vicente Fox. Martinez: "Because of what we have done in the past we have the honor to have been invited and have a presence there at the banquet. And hopefully have a chance to meet with him and say hi and just let him know who we are." Martinez, a citizen of the both the United States and Mexico, played an instrumental role in getting the Mexican market opened to fresh U.S. potatoes. And even though President Fox's term is about to expire, Martinez believes having himself and other Potato Commissioners at the banquet is important to keeping the lines of communication open. Martinez: "If his party wins the election here next July there is a good chance that he will still be very influential on that party. And the thing about meeting with him and keeping our lines open with him that introduces us into the coming president. Hopefully he will be from the same party. And like I say, he is leading in the polls. So that is very important." That's the Northwest Farm and Ranch Report. Brought to you in part by the Washington State Potato Commission. Nutrition today! Good health tomorrow! I'm Bob Hoff on the Northwest Ag Information Network.
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