Christmas Tree Shortage Explained

Christmas Tree Shortage Explained

Lorrie Boyer
Lorrie Boyer
Due to an overplanting of Christmas trees 10 to 15 years ago, Tim O'Connor with the National Christmas Tree Association says that they are experiencing a shortage of Christmas trees this year.

“Growers were not profitable. They were in an oversupply situation too many trees had been planted for the demand that existed and growers were selling at below breakeven prices.”

But he says this is not a long-term problem.

“More trees come into the marketplace in the future. They're planted, they're growing, and in the not-too-distant future. There'll be more trees to harvest every year than we're currently experiencing.”

Then the question on whether or not Christmas tree growers will profit remains-

“Or will it create another oversupply situation and start another cycle down.”

Tim O'Connor with the National Christmas Tree Association and CTA conducts a survey of consumers each year in January to monitor consumer Christmas tree purchasing trends. The 2022 survey results projected 22.34 million real Christmas trees were purchased. Those who purchased a Christmas tree spent an average of $80 for their tree of those trees purchased about 31% came from choosing cut farms. Almost 20% came from chain stores. nurseries accounted for about 17% of sales and retail for about 16% of sales. Nonprofit Organizations sold about 8% of Christmas trees and about 7% of Christmas tree buyers bought them online last year according to the survey.

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