Domestic Fertilizer Production and China Blocks Certain U.S. Beef

Domestic Fertilizer Production and China Blocks Certain U.S. Beef

Bob Larson
Bob Larson
From the Ag Information Network, this is your Agribusiness Update.

**The USDA announced it is investing $83 million in domestic fertilizer production in hopes of spurring economic growth in rural communities and increasing competition in agricultural markets.

The funding from the Fertilizer Production Expansion Program includes a $25 million grant to build and equip a food waste upcycling facility in Riverside County that will use insects to recycle food waste into organic nutrient fertilizer.

Similar projects are happening in 12 states.

**Meat processor JBS says China blocked shipments from the company’s Colorado plant because traces of ractopamine (rack-TOE-pah-meen), a feed additive, were found in beef headed to China.

The Poultry Site says Brazil-based JBS, the world’s biggest meat processor, announced in a statement that it’s working with U.S. and Chinese authorities to resolve the situation.

No other JBS beef facilities in the U.S. have been impacted by the Chinese announcement.

**With FDA approval in hand, Elanco Animal Health announced it will sell throughout North America its feed ingredient, Bovaer (boe-vair), that reduces methane emissions from lactating dairy cows by 30%, beginning in the third quarter of the year. reports, farmers could use carbon contracts to offset the cost of the ingredient.

Agriculture is responsible for roughly 10% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, and methane accounts for 40% of agricultural emissions.

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