Barbed Wire

Barbed Wire

Bob Larson
Bob Larson
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson. Barbed wire is an indispensable part of many farms across rural America.

And, if you done any work on a farm, you’ve undoubtedly gotten tangled up in barbed wire a time or two. But where did we get barbed wire?

Highlighting the history of barbed wire begins with a story from the Joseph Glidden Homestead and History Center in the northern Illinois town of DeKalb …

LaRUE-1 = 29 … “ … history demonstrations.”

Jessi LaRue is the executive director of the Glidden Homestead and Historical Center, where they are celebrating what they call “150 Years of the Winner” …

LaRUE-2 = 21 … “ … of that.”

The barbed wire story is pretty well ingrained in the DeKalb community. In fact, the team nickname of DeKalb High School athletics is “the Barbs”.

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