Farm Bill Newhouse Pt 2

Farm Bill Newhouse Pt 2

Bob Larson
Bob Larson
From the Ag Information Network, this is today’s Fruit Grower Report. There is not guarantee that a new farm bill will get done this year, but work is being done on the both the House and Senate versions.

U.S. Representative Dan Newhouse says while it’s not perfect, he likes the version that made it out of House Ag committee …

NEWHOUSE … “The chairman of the Ag Committee has gone above and beyond getting input from producers around the country.”

As for getting it done during this election year, Newhouse is cautiously optimistic …

NEWHOUSE … “I think we’re going to get there; I do. And we passed, as you mentioned, out of the committee. We actually, it wasn’t on a strictly party-line vote. There were four Democrats that supported the bill coming out of committee, but there are some challenges, some hurdles to overcome, getting it passed on the floor and on to the Senate.”

Where they, Newhouse says will have their own version of the farm bill …

NEWHOUSE … “You know the Senate is still, they’re still working to get their version done too, so I’m still optimistic that we can get it done by the end of the year, but it will not be easy, that’s for sure.”

In the meantime, Newhouse says the clock is ticking …

NEWHOUSE … “September 30th, the extension expires. I’m pretty certain we’re going to have to pass another extension of the farm bill, but the chairman’s goal is to get this passed by the end of the calendar year and I’m going to do all I can to help him do that.”

That is Sunnyside Republican, U.S. Representative Dan Newhouse.

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