WSTFA Golf Tournament

WSTFA Golf Tournament

Bob Larson
Bob Larson
From the Ag Information Network, this is today’s Fruit Grower Report. August is right around the corner, so it is time, if you haven’t already, to dust off your golf clubs and get ready for the 31st Annual Washington State Tree

Fruit Association’s Memorial Scholarship Golf Tournament.

WSTFA President Jon DeVaney say it will be here before you know it …

DeVANEY … “Well yes. Our golf tournament is at the end of August on August 27th and the last couple of years it sold out. So, registration is open for that on our website .”

DeVaney says it’s a great event for a good cause …

DeVANEY … “That’s something we put on both as a social event for the industry and to raise money for the student scholarships supported by the Washington Apple Education Foundation. So, we cover our costs, but then all the proceeds go towards the support of those scholarships.”

So, DeVaney says if it works out for you timewise …

DeVANEY … “August 27th, which is a Tuesday. And we have the timing to start mid-morning and finish in the mid-to-late afternoon. So, if it’s something you’re doing during a workday you can take the day off to participate in that event without having it go into the evening when people have family commitments.”

And like he said, it has sold out in the past …

DeVANEY … “So, we’re encouraging folks that are interested in participating to sign up now. And again, that takes place at the Highlander course there in East Wenatchee.”

Go to the WSTFA website at to sign up for the 31st Annual WSTFA golf tournament.

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