Wolf Compensation Program Receives Renewed Funding

Wolf Compensation Program Receives Renewed Funding

Haylie Shipp
Haylie Shipp
With California Ag Today, I am Haylie Shipp. This is the Ag Information Network.

A big announcement out this week in that the California Department of Fish and Wildlife has announced renewed funding for the Wolf-Livestock Compensation Program. Governor Newsom confirmed the agreement on June 22, with the revised State Budget allocating $600,000 for the program. Although this amount is less than requested, it's a significant victory according to the California Cattlemen’s Association, allowing the CDFW to continue compensating ranchers for livestock losses due to wolves.

CCA Vice President of Government Affairs, Kirk Wilbur, expressed elation over this hard-fought achievement. The CCA has been advocating for this renewed funding since December 2023. Despite the challenging fiscal climate, this renewed support will help prioritize essential elements of the compensation program, such as direct loss compensation.

Wilbur thanked partners like Defenders of Wildlife, California Farm Bureau, and key legislative champions for their support. He also highlighted the impact of CCA members’ engagement at events like the Steak and Eggs Breakfast and Lobby Day.

The budget also includes new language authorizing CDFW to allocate federal funds and donations to the Wolf-Livestock Compensation Pilot Program. While final approval is pending, CCA remains optimistic about securing the necessary funding.

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